Saturday, July 18, 2009


The oldest and the youngest....having a little fun.

The GOOD, the BAD, and the UGLY!

My "oldest" grand-dogs came for an afternoon visit. They weren't much "into" the whole swimming thing...mostly just running and barking. One (who will not be named here) especially enjoyed sneaking off the deck and trying to make a break for it...away from the other two. He was headed for the porch 'cause he just doesn't have the energy to "run with the big dogs"!!!

Now, the title of this post and the order of these pictures have no correlation....I'm just saying!

"Little House Update"

Tom "surveying" his work.

Clara showing Blake the beams in her room where Mom told her she could string up Christmas lights!

Jenny not wanting to climb up the ladder to the upper level!

A bit of sibling harassment going on here between the oldest and the youngest!

The big deal this week was FINALLY getting the roof on. Inside, all of the interior walls were stubbed in and the cross-beams in the upstairs were placed. Tom did get the shed dormer on the back stained and sealed before the roof went on so the stain wouldn't get on the roof. I'm not sure what is next....wiring and plumbing or the insulation and ceiling. I know one thing, these construction guys are MESSY!

Saturday, July 11, 2009


One good thing about Clara being "into" art right now is the added benefit of the necessity to take a bath after "throwing a pot"! We were going on six bath less days. Although I haven't verified it, when questioned, she did say she has been changing her underwear.

And, this isn't quite as "weird" as painting a styrofoam head as a moustached, balding man with piercing blue eyes!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

This week on "Little House in the Big Woods".....

House update pictures.....

There should be some more "visible" progress next week with the roof going on. See all that big ol' chimney and basement walls in the front. Some stupid person in our house bragged that she could lay the rock for it after seeing a couple of homes built by the company we are using in which the wives did the masonry work. One of them was about 10 months pregnant at the time and I stupidly said "Well if she could do that when she was that pregnant, I KNOW I can do ours"....Me and my big mouth.

Please tell me this is "normal"

Today Clara and Rachel made a trip into town to their favorite store..."Hobby Lobby".

This is the "craft" Clara picked out. We spend $$$$$ on beautiful American Girl Dolls, art/piano lessons and every thing else under the sun, and this is how she "expresses" herself. And since she has to hide anything-doll, stuffed animal, etc. that has eyes and might "look" at her while she is sleeping, there is NO WAY she will let this thing stay in her room at night. Ten guesses whose dresser it will be sitting on come nine pm.

After going back and looking at this, I thought it might need a bit of "CLARA-fication".....(hahahaha...couldn't resist that) This was one of those styrofoam heads like you use to place a wig or hair piece on for styling. Clara thought it was "the awesome-ist" thing, bought it and then painted it.